No Planet No Fun! Part 2
Many of us have been having a rough time this last few days during lockdown.
We've reflected on how important human relationships are, and how important they are to develop a sense of belonging and empathy.
Given that at times like this we cannot spend time with our friends and loved ones, we thought on a way of working as a team where even if we can't touch each other, our artworks can.
We came up with the idea to remind the world of the power of teamwork, by creating a puzzle-like artwork, something similar to the traditional game “exquisite corpse”
Artist included - from left to right, top to bottom:
Mantraste, Maite García Argul, Philip Lindeman, Manuel Puig, The Drawing Door, Susie Hammer, Abran, TŒZIO®, Ales Div, Tayone, Franz Lang, Oriol Cabarrocas, Martín Funcasta, Florencia Pernicone, Numi Kawaii, Reinier Landwehr, Aga Giecko, Kris Andrew Small

No Planet No Fun! Part 1
My contribution to an ambitious collective Movement, Exhibition and Book dedicated to our dying planet.
Learn more about the project here︎